Vitalik Buterin pushes for Ethereum to respond to 51% attacks in a more automated way | Headlines | News | CoinMarketCap

07/10/2024 19:37
Vitalik Buterin pushes for Ethereum to respond to 51% attacks in a more automated way | Headlines | News | CoinMarketCap

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin is advocating for the Ethereum network to be more prepared for the hypothetical case of censorship under a 51% …

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin is advocating for the Ethereum network to be more prepared for the hypothetical case of censorship under a 51% attack.

“This is the thing I’m advocating we do more research on and we build,” he said in a keynote speech at ETHCC in Brussels.

Buterin was considering the notion of a 51% attack, a state where more Ethereum blocks are being produced by a malicious actor (or multiple working in coordination) than by honest actors. He argued that one of the biggest concerns is that this could result in censorship on the network. 

A potential response to such an attack, he said, would be for honest validators to move to a fork of the chain. The current plan would largely rely on social consensus, with community members working together to agree on a …

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