Binance Announces BNSOL, But What's Behind Mystery?

08/29/2024 19:28
Binance Announces BNSOL, But What's Behind Mystery?

World's largest exchange, Binance, just teased BNSOL, sparking speculation about a game-changing move in Solana staking

World's largest exchange, Binance, just teased BNSOL, sparking speculation about a game-changing move in Solana staking

Binance Announces BNSOL, But What's Behind Mystery?

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The cryptocurrency space erupted today when the world's largest exchange Binance made a mysterious announcement. In a recent post on X, the black-and-yellow crypto giant simply mentioned "BNSOL" and then said that it is coming soon. Many began to guess at what this meant, as no clear answer was given. But there must be one.

According to Solana Compass, the secret behind BNSOL could be Binance Staked SOL. As many may know, Solana is a token that can be staked. The purpose behind staking SOL tokens is to participate in the network as a validator or to participate in the work of an existing validator by delegating tokens to their pool. 


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This makes the network more decentralized and secure, while allowing stakers to earn several percent on their capital.

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Binance is actually one of the largest platforms when it comes to staking, and there were no such options for Solana, the third largest crypto asset if we exclude stablecoins. This is perhaps an opportunity for SOL holders to park their tokens on the exchange and earn rewards there.


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Moreover, as Solana Compass displays Binance Staked SOL or BNSOL unlocks your staked Solana liquidity, it accumulates SOL staking rewards by growing in value relative to the token, even if it is used in Binance products or other decentralized projects.

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Source: Solana Compass

With Binance entering the Solana scene, which is not surprising given the altcoin's dominance this cycle, we may see a new twist in the development of the SOL ecosystem with more liquidity coming in.

With $106.16 billion in assets, Binance's expansion into Solana could open doors and make it easier for new investors to access the altcoin that every headline in the last year has been screaming about.

About the author

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Gamza Khanzadaev

Financial analyst, trader and crypto enthusiast.

Gamza graduated with a degree in finance and credit with a specialization in securities and financial derivatives. He then also completed a master's program in banking and asset management.

He wants to have a hand in covering economic and fintech topics, as well as educate more people about cryptocurrencies and blockchain.

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