Cardano Founder on Verge of Major Breakthrough in Extraterrestrial Research

08/29/2023 19:51
Cardano Founder on Verge of Major Breakthrough in Extraterrestrial Research

Charles Hoskinson, founder of cryptocurrency Cardano, has teamed up with renowned astronomer Avi Loeb in research project that could make waves in extraterrestrial research

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Alex Dovbnya

Charles Hoskinson, founder of cryptocurrency Cardano, has teamed up with renowned astronomer Avi Loeb in research project that could make waves in extraterrestrial research

Charles Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, might be on the brink of a scientific milestone that could shift paradigms in the field of extraterrestrial research.

In a recent social media post, Hoskinson revealed that he coauthored a paper with Avi Loeb, a renowned astronomer and Harvard professor, detailing their discoveries from samples collected in the Pacific Ocean.

The samples include spherules containing exceptionally high levels of Beryllium, Lanthanum and Uranium, materials not commonly found in such concentrations within our solar system. The groundbreaking paper is soon to be made public and is currently awaiting peer review.

The study focused on collecting samples from the seafloor near Papua New Guinea, specifically near the calculated path of the bolide CNEOS 2014-01-08, an object with an extremely high velocity that was detected by U.S. government satellites in 2014.

"It was aliens" 

The team found around 700 spherules of varying diameters. Of these, 57 were analyzed and five showed an "extra-solar" composition, making them likely candidates for objects originating from outside of our solar system. The materials in these "BeLaU"-type spherules do not match commonly manufactured alloys or natural meteorites found within our solar system, adding further credence to their extrasolar origin.

In response to a question about "exotic sources" related to the "BeLaU abundance pattern," Hoskinson made a playful reference to the "I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens" meme from the History Channel's series, Ancient Aliens. This meme is often used humorously to suggest that some unexplained or mysterious phenomenon could have been the work of extraterrestrial beings.

The implications of confirming an extrasolar origin for these materials are far-reaching, touching on areas from astrophysics to the potential for life beyond Earth.

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