The Mideast Will Get Worse Before It Gets Better

10/13/2023 06:41
The Mideast Will Get Worse Before It Gets Better

The world should help Israel succeed in swiftly destroying Hamas as a fighting force.

The world should help Israel succeed in swiftly destroying Hamas as a fighting force.

Jessica Karl is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist and author of the Bloomberg Opinion Today newsletter.

A fireball erupts from an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City on October 12, 2023.

Photographer: MAHMUD HAMS/AFP

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Listen, it’s been an absolutely dreadful week. So no elaborate intro today to find a clever way to explain what’s happening in the world. It’s bad, and you know it’s bad. And it’s likely to get worse from here. That said, on we go.

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The Mideast Will Get Worse Before It Gets Better

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