Crypto Copy Trading Vs Bot Trading: Differences Explained

10/21/2023 20:21
Crypto Copy Trading Vs Bot Trading: Differences Explained

Learn how crypto copy trading differs from bot trading in the present article.

With the ever-evolving technologies, crypto trading has also evolved and introduced new trading methods. Copy trading and bot trading are the two most popular ways of trading cryptocurrencies to maximize returns. The main difference between them is copy trading allows you to copy professional traders and bot trading helps you automate the trading process.

Understanding different types of trading methods is essential when you are starting out. The present article focuses on crypto copy trading vs bot trading, helping you understand the similarities and differences between them. 

Crypto Copy Trading Vs Bot Trading in Brief

Crypto copy trading is a process of mimicking the trades of experienced and successful traders to gain returns. Various crypto copy trading platforms allow investors to copy the trading strategies of experienced traders. Thus, investors with no experience and deep knowledge about crypto trading can benefit from this process to make profits.

Crypto trading bots enable automatic execution of trades on behalf of investors in their absence. Since the crypto market is active around the clock, investors can leverage these pre-programmed crypto trading bots and set some predefined criteria to execute trades. Unlike copy trading, bot trading doesn’t involve active participation and eliminates risks involved with manual trading.

Differences Between Crypto Copy Trading and Bot Trading


While both copy trading and bot trading involve automation, there are minute differences when it comes to execution. Investors can manually pick the traders as well as the individual trading strategies to copy. They actively participate in monitoring and adjusting the trades, whereas this is not the case with bot trading. Once traders set some conditions based on market parameters, bots automatically execute the trades when those conditions are met in real time.

Decision Making

In copy trading, traders make decisions of whether to copy a trading strategy or not. Only after they pick a trading strategy or a trader, automation comes into the picture. Even after choosing a successful trader, investors can regularly adjust and customize their trading strategies.

On the other hand, trading bots make decisions of whether or not execute a trading strategy based on the preprogrammed market conditions. Top trading bots precisely implement trading strategies, eliminating impulsive human decisions.

Learning Curve

Crypto copy trading has a good learning curve since it involves following experienced traders. Beginner traders search for successful traders and analyze their historical performance. In the process of copying experienced traders, they can learn many intricacies involved in crypto trading and benefit from their vast expertise and knowledge. This is not the case when it comes to crypto bot trading.

Risk Management

While trading cryptocurrencies is inherently risky, when we compare copy trading with bot training, the former can be more riskier. This is because the risk tolerance of experienced traders may not always be the same as beginner investors. Blindly copying successful trades is not a good idea without paying attention to their own risk management.

But in the case of bot trading, investors can consider their risk tolerance and execute trades based on it. Various order types like limit orders, stop-loss orders, take-profit orders, etc, help them implement trades without risking their funds.

Accessibility and Pricing

Crypto copy trading is more accessible compared to bot trading because to use trading bots, investors need some technical knowledge and skills. Copy trading is easy for beginner investors to find successful traders and copy their trades. But when it comes to bot trading, they must know how to adjust bot settings. Adding to that, crypto trading bots charge high fees, whereas copy trading platforms allow investors to copy other traders for free.


Copy trading and bot trading both are great ways to implement trading strategies to maximize returns. However, you must choose a method based on your preferences and convenience. For instance, if you prioritize customization and learning opportunities, copy trading is suitable for you. If you would like to have more automation and are too busy to actively participate, bot trading is best for you.

Find out the best crypto trading bots if you have decided to implement bot trading to invest in cryptocurrencies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Trading bots are not entirely risk free. Even though they automate trading and save time and effort, poorly executed trades in unfavorable market conditions can result in loss of funds. Investors should research and understand a bot’s strategy and use backtesting to analyze the capabilities of a trading bot before using it.

Both trading methods have a share of advantages and disadvantages. You must choose a trading method based on your trading preferences, risk tolerance, knowledge and understanding of the crypto market.

Yes, crypto bot trading is profitable. But, you need to be careful when adjusting the bot settings and understand the ins and outs of the capabilities of a trading bot. Consider the best trading strategies by researching and analyzing the market conditions.

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