Crypto Security Token: What is it and How Does it Work?

10/27/2023 19:26
Crypto Security Token: What is it and How Does it Work?

Learn what are crypto security tokens, how are they created, and the benefits and risks involved with them in the present article.

Key Takeaways

  • Security tokens represent traditional assets like stocks, bonds, real estate assets, and others on blockchain.
  • Security tokens offer a more efficient, transparent, and secure way to transfer the ownership of traditional assets.

The world of blockchain and crypto introduced complex terms, which can be difficult to understand for beginners. Adding to that, the term ‘security tokens’ exists in both traditional data science space as well as in the blockchain space. While security tokens in data science imply physical devices that give access to restricted data, security tokens in blockchain are a subcategory of cryptocurrencies.

In the present article, we will discuss crypto security tokens, how they work, and the benefits and risks involved with security tokens in detail. Let’s start!

What is a Crypto Security Token?

Security tokens are digital assets that represent traditional securities and their ownership rights on blockchain. Thus, they offer a transparent and secure way to own and transfer the underlying assets. The value of security tokens depends on the assets they represent, unlike other cryptocurrencies.

With the help of blockchain technology, anything can be tokenized, be it stocks, bonds, real estate assets, cars, digital arts, and more. When a digital art or a physical art is tokenized using a non-fungible token standard like ERC-721 on Ethereum, then it will become a non-fungible token. But, when bonds, equities of an organization, or real estate assets are tokenized, they become security tokens.

When tangible assets are tokenized, they are called Real World Assets or RWA tokens. The concept is currently trending in the crypto industry, offering an innovative way to invest in traditional assets.

How Does Crypto Security Token Work?

Crypto security tokens are created with the tokenization process. Tokenization involves converting important and sensitive data into anonymous “tokens”. This not only helps users to access the token data but also keeps the sensitive information secure and private. While this process also exists in traditional paper stock systems, tokenization is completely digital involving blockchain and crypto.

Let us understand how tokenization of a real estate asset works with an example. Developers create a smart contract by entering all the necessary conditions and details regarding the real estate property. Since smart contracts are self-executing contracts, when the predefined conditions are met, they transfer the ownership of the asset with the help of security tokens.

The next step in the process involves creating digital tokens that represent fractional ownership of the selected real estate property. Blockchains that support smart contracts such as Ethereum, Polygon, Tezos, and others support this process. Each security token represents a fractional ownership of the asset. And, these are offered to investors through Security Token Offerings (STOs) for fundraising purposes.

Benefits and Risks of Security Tokens

Security tokens have several benefits over traditional securities such as efficiency, transparency, and fractional ownership. The following are the benefits of crypto security tokens:

  • Security tokens offer fractional ownership of assets. By fractionalizing an illiquid asset like real estate properties, security tokens open doors for global scale investments.
  • Unlike traditional securities, crypto security tokens do not have any geographical restrictions. They make investments accessible to any one, residing in any part of the world.
  • As the underlying technologies are blockchain and cryptography, crypto security tokens share their robust security features, making them resistant to hacks and security breaches.
  • Blockchain enables faster transactions which makes all transactions, associated with security tokens, efficient.
  • All security token transactions are recorded on the decentralized ledger of blockchain technology, which makes them transparent and eliminates fraud.

However, crypto security tokens also share the risks that come with crypto and blockchain technology. Let’s discuss the risks involved with crypto security tokens.

  • Volatility is the inherent nature of any financial asset and it enhances at a greater scale when it comes to cryptocurrencies. There is a risk of price fluctuations in security tokens.
  • Crypto security token concept is still in its early stages. While security tokens eliminate liquidity issues with fractional ownership, they can still be illiquid due to the lack of adoption.
  • There is also a risk of regulation with security tokens. Since the crypto space has not yet matured, there are no clear regulations and policies in place.

How Do Security Tokens Differ From Cryptocurrencies?

Security tokens are a subset of cryptocurrencies. Even though both of them work on blockchain technology, they share some subtle differences based on their use cases. There are different types of cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, DOGE, etc. Some examples of security tokens are Polymath, tZero, Harbor, etc

BTC is the native cryptocurrency of Bitcoin that enables peer-to-peer cross border transactions and ETH helps in paying the transaction fees on the network. Dogecoin and Shiba Inu are the two most popular meme coins that are created based on the internet memes. Utility tokens have specific use cases to access products and services of a particular project and governance tokens allow token holders to participate in the governance system.

When it comes to security tokens, they enable users to invest in their underlying assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate properties, etc. Their market performance completely depends on the value of their underlying assets.


The concept of security tokens brought an innovative way to bring traditional assets onto the blockchain. The concept is also getting popular as Real World Assets (RWA) tokens nowadays. They improve the efficiency, transparency, and security of ownership and transfer of traditional assets. However, they also share the risks involved with cryptocurrencies. As the crypto industry evolves, we can witness more developments and clear regulations that expedite the adoption of digital assets.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

No, both Bitcoin and Ethereum are not security tokens as per the US SEC guidelines.

Both crypto tokens and security tokens come under the umbrella term of cryptocurrencies. While security tokens represent traditional assets, crypto tokens are cryptocurrencies created using token standards like ERC-20, BEP-20, etc.

Crypto security tokens are subjected to the US SEC rules and guidelines same as traditional securities.

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