Rating Agency Moody’s Report Highlights Tech Risks In Growing Tokenized Funds | Headlines | News | CoinMarketCap

01/15/2024 21:39
Rating Agency Moody’s Report Highlights Tech Risks In Growing Tokenized Funds | Headlines | News | CoinMarketCap

Source: Getty Images Moody’s Investor Services, a credit ratings and research provider, on Monday, highlighted the inherent tech risks associated with growing tokenized funds. Moody’s DeFi and Digital Assets expert team flagged the need for additional expertise in managing tokeni...

Rating Agency Moody’s Report Highlights Tech Risks In Growing Tokenized Funds


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Cryptonews11 minutes ago


Published on January 15, 2024 14:27 GMT+00:00edited on January 15, 2024 14:31 GMT+00:00


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